Thursday, April 15, 2021

Learning Through Labor

 It's kind of a normal everyday Wednesday today.  Nothing particularly special about it.  Yesterday the two older boys went on their first Mutual Scavenger hunt.  They had a great time and really worked hard to win.  Mackay's team did, in fact, win.  Oh, and last week, we bought our home on Cranberry Loop and Grandma Susie bought her condo in Daybreak.

On Wednesdays, because of Covid, the Lehi Jr High admin has decided to cancel classes and clean the school.  Three different times I called home and three different times I got to hear from Michelle about how boys were fighting each other or misbehaving or just not doing anything at all.  I finally got home and Michelle decided she was done.  She took CM and DT to a meeting for DT's impeding track season and I stayed home to 'adjust' BG's attitude.  We talked for a bit and then he got dressed and did the dishes. And then we went to the garage and he worked in there for a long while.  

The other two boys came home and worked really hard out there too.  Especially DT.  "What's next Dad?" The kid knows how to please.  We fertilized the yard and loaded the truck with garbage to be thrown in a dumpster.  Like I said, BG really took a talking to and work load well.  So I decided to reward him.  We jumped in the truck and just at dusk I let him drive me around the neighborhood a bit.  We learned about the different light settings, how to use lights, what kind of threats there are in the dark and how to handle all of it and not crash.  It was his very first time driving at night.  It really is a treat to teach them these things.

We stopped by the church to ask the bishop permission to park Grandma Susie's trailer there for a few days but while we were waiting for him we had a chance to chat with Julio.  He gave BG some great advice on how to do well in school and succeed over the next few years.  It really was a cool experience for him to get personal counseling and words of wisdom.  Hopefully some of it stuck.  Also, BG can stand flat footed and touch the ceiling one handed.  He's getting huge.

He really is a good boy and I love him very much.  He is learning how to take criticism for what it is intended and not for offense.  He is learning and trying really hard.  I notice.  And sometimes I just write it down here.  

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