Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Quotable Quotes

A couple of nights ago we were sitting around eating popcorn and watching Spy Kids II in our PJ's.  Michelle was on the chair and half and the rest of us were in a line on the couch: Adam, Brigham, Mackay and David; peanuts in a row.  So at the end of the movie there is a scene where a sea monster similar to the Lochness was swimming in the water behind the SpyKids.  Thing is it was a two-headed chubby-cheeked monster with one head on each end of its snake body.   Got the picture?  OK, imagine viewing this from Michelle's vantage point as the lights go on down the row:

Adam: "He has a head for a butt."
Brigham: "He has a butt for a head."

...wait for it while the mice turn the wheels ... 

Mackay: "He's a butt...head!!" 
...the smile grew exponentially as he realized what was in the process of coming out of his mouth.
David"He's a BUTT-HEAD!!  He's a BUTT-HEAD!!  He's a BUTT-HEAD!!  He's a BUTT-HEAD!!" 

This once again is totally Michelle's fault because when I asked if she would marry me she is the one who said yes.  

Mackay apparently has been talking with some friends at school who have been going through the difficulty of divorces and custody battles and such.  A sensitive topic that I am all too familiar with from my youth.  So the other day he is coming back from swimming lessons with his mother and the two of them start to discuss how a child is placed and into which parents care they go.  "So Mom, when you and Dad get divorceddoes the judge decide who the kids get to stay with or do the kids get a say? Because if I could I would totally stay with Daddy."

I think this is how she gets back at me for telling that "but you're the one who said 'Yes'" joke for all these years.  It would serve me right and I wouldn't feel the least bit guilty in cashing that alimony check every month either.

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