Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Right of Way

The other day I took the boys hiking on a dAddie dAte up to Snow Basin.  That place is gorgeous and as such it was just filthy with mountain bikers and the like.  I had David on my shoulders, Mackay was the leader and Brigham was super engaged in finding the most colorful and best leaves he could stuff in his pocket to take home for his color jar.

Well a couple of bikes came our way, because it's easier for us to move off the trail than for them to stop I start hollering at all the boys to slide over and let them pass.  I ask once and Mackay listens.  I ask twice and still Brigham is off in his own little world.  The bikes are hurrying by and #2 really starts to get worried about #1 because of his inattention.  So rather than leave it up to the ineffectual adults Mack takes it into his own hands, "Brigham move OR THEY WILL KILL YOU!!!"

Brigham moved.

The bikers almost fell off their bikes.

1 comment:

Kim-the-girl said...

Hilarious. As usual.