Sunday, May 05, 2013


I don't believe in Karma.  But karma sucks.

I am a tease.  Not like Michelle is a tease but a tease like one of those kids that loves to push you to the edge, watch you get ready to blow your top and then smile and say, "we're having a great time, aren't we." I believe I got most of it genetically from my great uncle Jerroll.  Nobody liked being teased by him either but we loved being around him when he was.

In high school I found that one of my favorite things to do what sneak into someone's room at some ridiculous early hour of the day and creep up to their bed.  Before they could know I was there I would launch myself through the air and scream "ADAM BOOOOOOMB!!!" and then come crashing down next to and partially on them.  I think I must have gotten the idea from old Calvin and Hobbes books.

Well, I've stopped doing that.  Unless I have the occasion to wake up Anna Bennett.  But just because I have doesn't mean that others haven't learned from my bad example.  Namely my wife.  But it would be inappropriate for a lovely lady such as Michelle to launch herself through the air.  Instead she enlists minions to do the dirty work for her.

So this morning, after a long and terribly unrestful rest last night I lay in bed all by myself trying to ignore the sunlight slipping through the shudders.  I was confused and hurting and just wanted to lay there, undisturbed for another 6 or 7 months when suddenly out of the corner of my ear I heard and felt the presence of 54 lbs of blonde hair baring down on me. "BRIGHAM BOOOOOOOOMB!!!" he yelled as he crashed down on me, knees first.  Then immediately, as if to eliminate any survivors in the building came the second round, "MACKAY MISSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILE!!!" Kapow!

I'm thinking of installing a patriot missile defense system into my footboard.

1 comment:

Anna Wilson said...

This is why I lock my doors.