Friday, February 08, 2013

100 Days of Kindergarten

Last night I tucked Brigham into bed.  He went on and on and on asking me a question.  The same question.  He asked me the same question five different ways.  He even reached out and grabbed my arm to make sure I was paying attention when he asked the last time.  And by the last time I mean the last time while he was still laying in bed.  I tucked him in, closed the door and walked out.  I wasn't half way across the landing and his door popped open and he ran out to ask me one more time.

"Dad, you have to double promise me again that you will wake me up early tomorrow morning because I have tons of things I want to do to get ready for the 100th day of Kindergarten!  This is really important Dad."

Cutest thing I've ever seen.  I got up at the normal time, took a shower and got half dressed.  And then I went to wake him up.  He was already awake.  He was downstairs getting backpacks and clothes and books and homework ready.  It was really cool to watch.  We read a book together, I ate a bowl of cereal, he played my phone for a bit.  I just watched and enjoyed every second of it.  Please don't ever grow up.

1 comment:

Marliese said...

This is so sweet. It's great when we step back and observe how amazing our children are. A good thing to notice...because they do grow up! No fair.