Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!!!

much love,
the boys Bradbury

We stole a great idea from our friends down the road.  Ryan and Gina Johnston found a great field of blue bonnets south of town and took some really cute pictures of their kids that we rather enjoyed looking at.  A couple of years ago I visited my uncle Bills house and remember seeing a beautiful picture of my aunt Jody sitting in a field of bonnets as a little girl and thinking 'that is about as Texas as you get.'  So we borrowed the idea from both and took our kids out in their easter clothes.  

I'll warn you there are a lot of pictures in this slide show but not near as many as we actually took.  Michelle has been shopping and searching and buying and returning easter outfits for these boys for the last three weeks.  She is really excited about how cute they are and we hope you are too. 

If they make it out of baby/toddlerhood by not killing themselves or pushing one of us to take care of it for them, these are going to be two of the greatest young men that this world has ever known.  Tell me differently and I'll punch you in your lying face and make you say sorry.  

My boys are the greatest ever and I love them very much, the pictures don't lie.


Grandma & Grandpa "B" said...

I don't know. Dad thinks he has the best boys in the world. You can fight him!

Marliese said...

Love the outfits, Chelle. The kids in them are even cuter. Looks like a fruitful photo shoot. Miss you!